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Date Posted: 18:14:53 05/18/03 Sun
Author: Snugglez
Author Host/IP: cache-mtc-am06.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: . A Single Second .

Oh my God! My God this can't be happening!
God tell me, tell me this isn't real!
I can't believe all that I have
foreseen is finally happening.
I cannot for a single second stand the way I feel.
I always knew. I always saw it coming.
Enveloped now, encased by my worst fear.
I've never felt the nausea of longing to feel nothing,
I never wanted to cease to
exist, just disappear. Fear memories are all that lie ahead.
Never have I felt so lost. Memories dull my senses.
Fear tragedy is all that lies ahead.
Never have I felt so dead.
Once felt so warm, no I'm fucking freezing.
I am the once embraced abandoned one.
I raised my eyes up to the light in hopes of finding healing;
no relief was mine, I was burnt, by the sun.

Deep rustic and gold Doberman lies on the smooth, cool floor. Massive crania placed between her two paws. Soft hazel prisms flicker about the desolate room and finally lids drift down as the bitch goes into a light sleep. After a few moments, the canine jolts, awaken abruptly from a terrible dream. Orbs immediately glance about, wishing to see any familar faces.

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