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Date Posted: 11:00:34 10/13/02 Sun
Author: Jag
Subject: ::Entered::

Hungrey and tired he loped in. Tounge lolling, eyes ccalm. He slowed to a walk and looked around. He started forward. Ignoring the horses he slipped in between rails and into a paddock with a horse. Glancing at the horse he lifted his lips and snarled a warning. Looking around he found the water through snf began to lap up water. Done he turned and slipped out. Then he began his search. Loping effortlessly around the paddocks he found a jackrabbit and started it. The jackrabbit zigzagged across the ground and he followed in a stright line. From his effortless lope he lept forward and ran stright at the rabbit. He tried to cut it off from the bushes but he was not quick enough. The rabbit reahced it first and Jag turned quickly to avoid the sharp thorns. He turned and began to lope around the paddocks once more. Starting another rabbit he gave chase once more. But that rabbit too made the safty of the bushes. Jag contuied his jounrey. He chased a couple more rabbits before he began to tire. He began to pant and turned. Wearily he searched once more. Starting another rabbit he chased this one into his home. Jag turned once more. Too tired to chase rabbits he began to watch the trees. Seeing squirrls playing he layed in the bushes. Blending in with the shadows. He tried catching squirrls but after getting hit in the head with a pinecomb he gave up. A very tired, hungrey, and thirsty Jag troted back to the water through. Getting another drink he began to search for rabbits once more. Seeing one he decided a new approch. Laying down he waited for the rabbit to come close to him. With a quick jump he was chasing a the rabbit. But this time he was closer and leaping forward he sunk his teeth into the back of the rabbits neck and shook. Killing the rabbit almost instintly. Jag dropped it and panted a little while before picking it up and dragging it over to a water through. Jag lapped the water and settled down to eating the rabbit.

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