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Date Posted: 13:33:40 07/26/04 Mon
Author: Jarryd Boyd
Subject: Re: starkville tournament
In reply to: Wade Baskin 's message, "Re: starkville tournament" on 21:12:14 07/14/04 Wed

Wow! I remember asking Mr. Cox if I could bring a LSU flag to the tournament. I did not know this would get a lot of replies, but anyway Mr. Baskin. Are you talking? Tigers never run, so yes we are coming to the MSU campus to change things around. There are a lot of people coming from the state of Louisiana, and we are going to take all of your trophies, or medals. Beware! Plus I smell fear from everyone that roots for the maroon and white. Ha!
By the way, Chad won world champion in sparring, and he placed third in forms. See you guys in a few days.

>Purple and gold...hmmmm...nice, pretty, sweet little
>colors. Yeah, add a little green and you have Mardi
>Gras! Throw in some beads and c'mon up! But beware of
>the strength in the bold colors of Maroon and
>white...meaning, "blood" baby..for those who enter.
>Welcome to Bulldog Country my beaded friend. Ha! See
>you there! Congrats to your brother! Didn't he win a
>dbl gold?!

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