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Subject: The Bible Foundation( The world needs Bibles)

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Date Posted: 21:19:20 01/01/03 Wed

The need for English Bibles around the world is vast. Many countries have
English as the primary language and most countries have been teaching
English in the schools for many years. There is a growing network of master
collection centers in North America (see www.bf.org/bibledrive/cc.htm) that
accept Bibles for redistribution. Christians overseas can even find ways to
use damaged and pieces of old Bibles (an important resource). The network of
collection centers needs to expand. This makes it possible for people to do
Bible drives and have a way to get the surplus Bibles moving to hungry
hearts around the world. Can you help find ministries that might be willing
to accept used Bibles, even damaged and pieces of old Bibles for
redistribution? If so, please email information to biblecc@bf.org.

Collection centers need to:
Be able to accept quantities of surplus Bibles, including damaged & pieces
Be able to accept US mail, UPS, FedEx, trucking, and drop off shipments
Accept all the main versions of Bibles and Bible portions
Take responsibility for the materials
Issue tax deductible receipts if necessary
Be able to store the materials
Be able to find a way to transport the materials to where needed
Be willing to be listed on the Bible Foundation web site www.bf.org

Accepting other Christian literature is optional.
Or if you or someone you know has used bibles or bible portions tehy can mail them to
60-D So. Mountain Dr
Decatur, AL 35603
(256) 355-3004
email: ehodges169@aol.com

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Re: The Bible Foundation( The world needs Bibles)Emmanuel Patas01:20:57 12/12/04 Sun

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