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Date Posted: 13:00:22 01/30/07 Tue
Author: iii (hhh)
Subject: Re: WDM-driver for miro DC30 and W2k/XP and Win98/ME available
In reply to: fredy 's message, "Re: WDM-driver for miro DC30 and W2k/XP and Win98/ME available" on 14:42:44 11/28/03 Fri

>> miro / Pinnacle Video / Motion DC30x will work with
>>Windows XP (and also in W2k) with these new
>>This driver is also tested with Windows Longhorn Build
>>4008 (future version of Windows XP).
>>Driver 1.3x or 1.41 or 1.42 or Beta2-Update will not
>>work with XP.
>>If you use NTFS+W2k or XP there is no capture limit.
>>All miro DC30 are now miro DC30+ with the same
>>You can select standard "upper field first" and
>>DV-compatible "lower field first".
>>The driver support NTSC, PAL, SECAM, PAL M, PAL N, PAL
>>60, NTSC 433
>>-sound capture will only work with separat soundcard
>>or onboard-sound of your mainboard.
>>The build in soundpart of miro DC 30x will not work
>>for sound-in and output.
>>There are no problems with Audio/Video synchronisation
>>-supported capture-software:
>>Pinnacle Studio 7/8/7SE/8SE
>>Ahead's NeroVision Express
>>Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9
>>Microsoft Movie Maker 2
>>Ulead Video Studio 6/7
>>Ulead DVD Workshop
>>Nano DVR (user report)
>>-In Premiere you can not capture direct with this
>>Premiere will not support Direct Show filter drivers
>>This is a problem of Premiere, not from driver!
>>If you want to use miroDC30x for edit with Premiere
>>you must
>>capture with AMCAP and than use a software
>>miroDC30-SoftwareMJPEG-codec is included, but you can
>>also use
>>Morgan Codec (http://www.morgan-multimedia.com) or PIC
>>Video Codec.
>>-Video Out works with Studio 7/8 or Ulead Video Studio
>>6 or with the video-output-patch with Premiere 5, 6,
>>6.5 (left Window) and Microsoft Mediaplayer.
>>Also all software that use DirectShow-routines to
>>Playback Video
>>will work with miro DC30x TV-Out (Steinberg Nuendo,
>>ZoomPlayer, Macromedia Director)
>>Snap-Shots of the driver property-page and
>>control-tool can you find here: www.mirosupport.de in
>>section video.
>>PS: With the new WDM-driver for Windows 98/ME it is
>>now also available to use a miro Motion DC30/DC30plus
>>(normally designed for MAC) in Windows 98/ME.
>>For more informations mail me to

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