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Date Posted: 17:58:06 02/17/03 Mon
Author: +|Mark|+ -|Riley|- +|Jay|+
Subject: +|..C.o.m.p.l.i.c.a.t.e.d..|+
In reply to: Jade S. 's message, "knocks" on 11:33:01 01/25/03 Sat


+|T.o M.a.k.e. M.a.t.t.e.r.s. M.o.r.e.|+



]...[Opened his eyes, blinking slightly. He groaned and got to his feet. Muttering softly under his breath, he tripped over Jays sleepign figure on his way to the bathroom. God damn it Jay, get your ass up and move to the damn couch. His voice trailed off as he muttered some more swear words in anger. He walked stiffly to the bathroom, finishing he walked out and looked around. he went back to the couch and dropped on it. Grabbing the channel changer he began flipping through channels]...[


]...[Got up hearing Mark's swearing. She opened her door and looked out. Sighing softly she turned and shut the door again. Laying back down on the bed and closing her eyes]...[


]...[Muttered as Mark kicked him. Getting to his feet immeditly. What the fuck Mark?! Dont kick me mother... His voice trailed off as he moved toward the kitchen. His anger fading almost at once, he heard a door open and he glanced at Riley before watching her go back inside to the safty of her room. He glanced out the window at the fading figure of 'Jade'. He sighed and opened the door. Looking out, Hey, Can I help you?]...[



]...[Wondered what was wrong with Ri. He knew she was angry, but he never knew her to mop around like this. He had had enough of her moping around. But he wasn't going to do anything bout that, the dman couch was tough as hell and he wasn't gonna sleep on that thing.]...[


]...[Didn't know why she came. Why she was even hear. She missed her friends, mostly Raven and Jake. Makr and J are fun to hang with, but hell it's hard being the only damn girl with Mark and J hanging around.]...[


]...[Still wondered why the hell Mark kicked him, and if he knew this person outside. He thought it was to hard to think and he'd let it all happen. He knew Mark was getting pissed at Ri, and the couch. And Mark wasn't the one you wanted to piss off.]...[



]...[Turned the TV off and walked to Ri's room. He opened the door and dropped his stuff in there. Ri, either leave or find a place on the floor, cause I'm sure as hell is hot sleeping on that damn couch. So move your shit out there or move over. His eyes were hard, and his voice full of fire. Ready for a fight.]...[


]...[Glanced up at Mark before closing her eyes again. Do whatever the hell you want to do. Cause I'm Sure as hell is hot not going to move over for your ass.]...[


]...[Contueid to stand at the door. Glancing back at Ri and Mark's arguing. Shut the hell up you two. Someones at the damn door. As an afterthought he added softly or was at the door.]...[



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