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Subject: Banners and Buttons

Lynn Tarini
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Date Posted: 08:03:15 02/01/02 Fri


I chose this banner firstly because I love all things Disney and secondly, because I think it is great. The banner uses an interesting shape (now I know how they accomplished this) and uses great colors. Of course, it features Mickey Mouse. This banner is probably a bit too much for most corporations, but I think it is perfect for Disney.


I like this banner because of the graphics used. The images revolve to feature key players. They also changed the opacity (hope I'm using the correct term) to make the images appear blue.


I visit this site frequently as I am in the midst of planning my wedding. I particularly like the buttons on this site because it uses graphic representations of the content within each link.


My brother works for the Lockmonsters, so I've watched this site evolve over the past few years. I like how they use the image of the goalie within the banner. To me, it symbolizes the excitement of hockey.

The following choices are sites from my company. I do not maintain them, but I frequently visit them to gather information for our corporate website.


I love this banner for a number of reasons. First, they use a bit of Flash to make the container expand. They combine two banners for one effect. I also like the gradient that transitions from blue to green.


I thought this banner was different. It uses black and white photos and the graphics make them appear as if they are on a roll of film. Also, the people in the photos appear very awake and alive, which is the product's intention.


I chose this site for the same reasons I chose the knot. I like how the buttons represent the content within each of the links.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Banners and ButtonsRobert Streuer (party)16:04:21 04/19/07 Thu

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