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Subject: Re: consistency

Kathy Keefe
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Date Posted: 17:16:17 03/04/02 Mon
In reply to: Damian 's message, "consistency" on 09:24:27 02/24/02 Sun

I read the article with its points on consistency. I thought that they all made sense as a kind of �unspoken rule� of web page development. Most teachers are �theme� thinkers, and I think consistency in a web page just goes along with the perspective of theme thought. I also think that it adds more to what we already read about all the separate individual components blending together to make one unified page.
My job, as an elementary technology teacher, is to teach the basics of computer skills-word processing, working with graphics, saving files, opening files, etc. and then extend the basics into projects integrating the tech skills with the curriculum.
I was thinking of designing a web page that would explain the philosophy and nuts and bolts of the program and the additional pages would be for different subject areas and grade levels with links to web sites that would enhance the curriculum. This would hopefully make it easier for classroom teachers to find appropriate online information and activities
As far as consistency goes, I was thinking about using the school colors for the web page (maroon background with white letters) For the font-something that looks �computer� oriented. Headings would all be the same size font and sub headings/links would all have the same size font. I would use the same buttons on all pages or change one aspect of the buttons on each page. I am trying to think of a Logo with letters involving technology/computers/and education.
I have designated this Sunday as �Work on Web Page Day�. I don�t think this is the type of project that you can squeeze a little in here and there. I feel that it requires major blocks of time to really get into it. See everyone next week.

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Re: consistencyDamian08:32:39 03/15/02 Fri

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