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Subject: Re: consistency

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Date Posted: 08:40:10 03/15/02 Fri
In reply to: Lynn 's message, "Re: consistency" on 13:05:47 03/10/02 Sun

Hi Lynn,

Sounds like you have a great idea for a project. I hope CHC lets you put it up on their site. I'm sure they can find some spot for it...or, at least provide a link to that site.

Good luck with your page.

>I would love to send this link to my former boss. My
>old company had been acquired by a Japanese company.
>As Communications Manager, I was responsible for
>updating our literature, stationery and web site. Our
>headquarters in Japan sent me a style manual to follow
>when putting everything together. My boss understood
>making business cards, stationery and literature
>consistent, but did not think the rules applied to our
>web site. Our corporate colors were red, black and
>white. He wanted me to incorporate all these funky
>colors that were completely inconsistent with the
>image of our new company. I eventually won the battle,
>but it truly was a fight!
>I had a hard time deciding what to do for my project
>as the sites I manage at work already exist. So I
>decided to use my reunion from CHC as my project.
>Reunion Weekend is held every year and graduates
>celebrating a milestone reunion are invited to attend.
>My class is celebrating our 5-year reunion this May.
>The college plans a number of activities for everyone
>and then the class officers are responsible for
>organizing events just for their class. I thought this
>would also allow me to save money on sending my
>classmates information in the mail.
>Ideally, I would like to link my site from the
>college’s site. (I called the webmaster last week, but
>have not heard back from her yet.) If I can do this, I
>will follow some of the design features of the
>college’s site such as red navigation bars and the
>college’s logo. I hate the logo watermarks, so they
>will definitely not be used on my site. We also have a
>theme for our class, so I will use that as the basis
>for my site, while making it consistent with the
>college’s site.

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