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Date Posted: 13:05:51 01/25/02 Fri
Author: Geildik
Subject: Newest Light of hope

(They're up! They're up! The 'Hawks are coming, I tell you! *run off screaming*)

Geildik walked onto the Nests' platform, turning around and eyeing the dizzing drop from whence he came. The Cliffs were probably the highgest place in Kredum, unless there was some prominent he didn't know about. But he doubted that; Greildik had spent most of his life as a wanderer, taking to sailing when walking got boring. Not that sailing was any different from hiking when you'd been doing it for years. You either get tired of trees and plains or you got tired of endless waters where the coast was always farther away. Geildik tore his gaze from the mists that hovered around the cliffs, keeping the bottom from view. He was almost glad he couldn't see the bottom.
He turned back to the Nest,wondering if the Mother Desert Hawk was brooding over it quietly, monitering each person carefully, sizing them up, making sure they ment no harm to her children. Imagining what she could do to a person, Greildik tried to look as unobtrusive as possible, keeping to himself and watching silently. Not that it was hard to keep quiet, there was nothing to talk to unless you enjoyed talking to eggs. He had thought about it, but rejected the idea.
He shifted his footing, starting to become aware of the stark silence around him. The only signs of life was himself -and when and egg hatched- the eggs. I wonder if I have any chance of Finding a Vrocel-san? he mused to himself, eyes becoming balnk. There was nothing to do, but that didn't mean he couldn't keep himelf occupied. He carefully examined the break from platform to Nest, stepping off from the platform. He let himself get used to wlking on random sticks, then moved inbetween the eggs. He looked at them, wondering at their size. They were so big, imagine how big the actual 'Hawks would be.
Suddenly remembering that the Mother 'Hawk might be there, he quickly sat down in the middle of two eggs, watching for any shadows that might give away the large bird.

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