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Date Posted: 16:19:59 02/25/02 Mon
Author: Corin
Subject: New...

The Albino boy, with gentle eyes and shy personality, entered, crimnson eyes wide with winder, white hair blow to and frow.

He smiled, his eyes wandering over the remaining eggs, and smiled. If he Found a lifemate, he'd be happy. If he didn't, well, he;d deal with it. He'd find a way to survive somehow. There were so many things to do, and he wanted to do alot, this being one of them.

His eyes wandered over to the other Found pairs, happy for them. Would luck bestow him the same fate?

Or would his be of a different course?

He shrugged, sighing and sitting down on the warm ground, his eyes fluttering breifly, then, wanting to have someone to talk to, but being too shy to go and be the first to talk, waited.

For what, he didn't know? For more eggs to hatch>Maybe, For a new found friend? Maybe that too?

Who knew?

Maybe he'd find himself a couple of new friends while he was here. Maybe he wouldn't. Maybe he'd stay, and be found, or,maybe, he wouldn't be Found. Either way, he liked the idea somewhat of not nowing the futrure, but still, it couldn't help but bother him just a little. After all, he was constantly left 'hanging', and he'd never know a single thing until it happened.

Such is the way of destiny.

But, he wondered, did his Destiny lie with these eggs...? Or was it somewhere else...?

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