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Date Posted: 12:11:09 01/26/02 Sat
Author: Kit-tah~Hyzenth
Subject: Claps
In reply to: Cornelia~Surianne`Spitfire 's message, "Rushes in" on 14:04:22 01/25/02 Fri

The long climb alloting, they make their way slowly, Kit-tah's inept climbing skills evident. Just a few paces behind her new friend, the girl with 'hare in arms halts a respectful distance from the Finding, watching with a pounding heart. Hyzenth aptly burrows further into her hold, eyes wide and heart beating in time wih her Found's.

This is how we met. And now she has her own. And our bond is stronger for it. The 'hare whispers quietly, ears laying flat against her dark back. The girl gives the Bentura-ka a tremendous squeeze, feeling her link deepen and strengthen. Forever was the bond, and forever was a short time away. Hazarding a step forward, Kit-tah smiles happily.

"Your name different? Congratulations!! At least you didn't trip. Seeing as you need to feed her, I guess Hyzenth and me should head back to our warren. We need to sleep, but I have a feeling we'll all see each other again. What's her name?" She indicates the hawk, eyes filled with knowing of the Bond-awe that the girl must be feeling.

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