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Date Posted: 10:57:47 10/12/06 Thu
Author: Karen
Subject: Les Henderson's publishing scam
In reply to: Cindy 's message, "Les Henderson tried to molest my under age daughter" on 03:59:33 03/10/05 Thu

>Breaking News…Worlds Biggest Publishing Scam

'Under Investigation' by Les Henderson, the want-to-be-writer of another pamphlet entitled 'Crimes of Persuasion', has just released a new pamphlet, one based on thousands of documents (the documents do not exist) painstakingly obtained through public records requests under Florida‘s Government-in-the-Sunshine Law. 'Under Investigation' supposedly investigates corruption in Florida Attorney General Charlie Crist’s Administration.

Les Henderson claims that both “books” were published by his phony, made-up, non-existent, Coyote Ridge Publishing (a copy machine in his house). Les Henderson then duped book-sale websites into advertising the pamphlets. He also went all over the web to forums and chat rooms to promote himself.

According to Les Henderson, 'Under Investigation' is currently available exclusively through Amazon.com. (They have two copies of each pamphlet.)

Les Henderson says, “research into the two-year investigation of Orlando businessman Lou Pearlman’s Trans Continental Entertainment Group, Inc. by the Florida Attorney General’s Office has exposed corruption and intrigue at the highest levels (only in Les Henderson's mind) of Charlie Crist’s administration. Lou Pearlman’s model scouting business, which was essentially run by convicted fraudsters and other unsavory characters, (again, only according to Les Henderson) was portrayed in the media as an outright scam.” (not the first time the media has been wrong)

Henderson also claims, “over 150,000 victims (only a small hand full) expected Charlie Crist and his Deputy AG George LeMieux to act on their behalf to get restitution. Instead, despite the thousands (only a couple) of complaints received by their office and the overwhelming evidence (no evidence is available) exposing a multitude of fraudulent and deceptive acts at the Orlando scouting network, Crist secretly allowed his underlying goal of becoming Governor to negate his purported ‘tough-on-crime’ stance when it came to his Republican supporter, Louis J. Pearlman.”

Let’s not forget that Les Henderson is also the owner/operator of the following internet terrorist hate/scam websites.


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  • Les Henderson or AKA "Lester the Molestor" -- James Madison (Still on the loose??), 21:38:00 02/02/11 Wed
  • Thank you Thank you! -- Ruth Morrow (Les on the loose...but after 5 years still at it?), 22:02:48 02/02/11 Wed
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