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Date Posted: 23:24:08 07/29/08 Tue
Author: preecha (not do any think)
Subject: Re: Ed Magedson and les Henderson
In reply to: Klaass SR. 's message, "Ed Magedson and les Henderson" on 11:45:54 10/13/05 Thu

>A letter from Ed Magedson and Les Henderson:
>We hope you were scammed in some way or will be in the
>near future. Unfortunately, we now need your money so
>we can continue our extortion racket. We are doing
>everything in our power to avoid having to charge for
>filing a Report, Rebuttals or for researching a
>Company or Individual in the future. Please read below
>to better understand more...
>Urgent Message From
>Dear Consumers and companies we are scamming:
>We need your help at this critical time to keep this
>web site accessible to be able to extort money from
>companies and consumers. We know that you and a few
>others are using our web site to monitor the
>development of our fraud and unprincipled businesses
>tactics. Over 1 to 2 hundred viewers a day on average.
>Because of our efforts to provide a forum to post lies
>about companies and individuals, we have incurred and
>are incurring unmanageable and substantial legal fees
>in many states as we continue our extortion racket. We
>are being sued because of the Reports that have been
>filed ficticously by myself (Ed Magedson) and
>ripoffreports investigators. WE will NOT and do NOT
>ever plan on revealing those here who add and modify
>the Reports!
>dedication to our scam.
>You may have read about the many highly publicized
>government actions against ripoffreport. We were
>brought to national attention because of us changing
>postings on Rip-off Report.com and now we are paying
>the price. The government targeted us for legal
>action. The lawsuits that have been filed have merit
>and must be addressed and paid for. We wish to stress
>to you that once we take a position, we realize that
>we place our scam in jeopardy, but it is as a result
>of our absolute dedication to ourselves.
>In these unsettled economic times, unprincipled
>businesses like ours are more devious than ever in
>finding ways to defraud you, and the demands on us are
>greater than ever. Additionally, our web site is now
>getting more than a hundred to two hundred hits a day,
>and our hosting costs have increased dramatically.
>Your money is urgently needed. I hope we can count on
>you at this pivotal time.
>We have barely been able to meet the overhead required
>for the operation and maintenance of the web site, and
>those costs are growing everyday. I bought a new house
>and car. The bottom line is that money from the
>companies we have extorted have not generated enough
>funds to support our scam. Now, the additional legal
>expenses may severely affect the operation of Rip-off
>Report.com .
>As a possible victim of this web site, if you
>appreciate the content provided and would like to see
>this extortion racket continue, I am asking that you
>do all you can to help -- today. Please don't say to
>yourself that others will give, for we will take.
>Also, no amount is too small, send what you can,
>please, money, food, clothing, bonds, real estate,
>please, please, please.
>We have been urged by my lawyers to charge the people
>to access Rip-off Report, and we WILL. As founder of
>Rip-off Report.com, I am determined to keep the site.
>Here is what you can do: Remember, YOUR DONATIONS are
>TAX Deductible
>Please make the largest donation you can to help with
>my monthly expenses (gas, car, phone, food, vacation
>house, drugs) to:
>Ed Magedson
>P.O. Box 310
>Tempe, AZ 85280

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