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Date Posted: 15:01:49 04/18/09 Sat
Author: david lightsey (Dave from arizona is right)
Subject: Re: RIPOFFREPORT and EZBC complete SCAM
In reply to: cindy kosmatka 's message, "Re: RIPOFFREPORT and EZBC complete SCAM" on 06:42:10 09/04/06 Mon

>>The products on select your gift , com
are not worth the shipping charges and can be obtained from any discount store with out all the hassle. I agree that is a rip off. I will not fall into this category again and I will warn everyone I know.
>>Dave from Phoenix, Arizona was upset at a car dealer
>>for wasting his time and he filed a complaint with
>>www.badbusinessbureau.com against the particular
>>dealer and in so doing mentioned
>>www.selectyourgifts.com in his complaint.
>>Several search engines picked up the reference to
>>Select Your Gifts and a link to the Rip-Off Report
>>shows up when you do a search.
>>Dave mentioned that the quality of the gifts offered
>>by Select Your Gifts were junk and he felt that the
>>gifts were not worth the shipping and handling
>>charges. Dave never contacted Select Your Gifts and
>>he never placed an order… he just came to this
>>conclusion by looking at his printed certificate.
>>There is no way to get a hold of Dave… no phone
>>number, no address, no email. We called Ed Magedson,
>>the owner and registered agent for
>>www.badbusinessbureau.com and spoke to him on the
>>telephone for over 90 minutes (in fact the battery on
>>his cell phone finally ran out). I personally took Ed
>>to our website and showed him the gift that the person
>>complaining received. Ed said, and I quote “Wow, what
>>a great gift, what more could you want for just test
>>driving a car!” Ed even mentioned that he would drive
>>50 minutes each way just to get the gift even if he
>>was not interested in purchasing a car.
>>I showed Ed the various gifts on the website and
>>explained how the program worked… he was particularly
>>interested in the As Seen On TV items and could not
>>believe that we could offer such nice gifts for only
>>$7.95 shipping and handling which happens to be the
>>exact same shipping and handling you would pay if you
>>purchased the items on TV for full price of $29.95.
>>I also explained to Ed, the owner of
>>www.badbusinessbureau.com about the fact that when
>>someone went to a particular search engine and typed
>>in www.selectyourgifts.com that the only thing that
>>came up was his Rip-Off Site. I told him that his
>>report is unfair and that we certainly give our
>>customers exactly what we promise. Ed agreed with me,
>>but he would not adjust his website or the negative
>>report. Instead he told me that my company should PAY
>>HIM $5,000 and he would do an independent review of
>>Select Your Gifts and give us a favorable report
>>because he had just spent 90 minutes understanding
>>that “we give great value to the consumer”… “what more
>>could they want for test-driving a car”.
>>Ed went on to tell me that we would get “all kinds of
>>business out of this bad report” because people would
>>see the NEGATIVE and then when they click on the
>>actual report he would make a POP UP come up that
>>would say that we are indeed a good company. He did
>>qualify his response by saying that he would endorse
>>Select Your Gifts, but he would never say a good word
>>about the auto dealer because “he hated auto dealers”.
>>I told Ed we were submitting a rebuttal to the posting
>>they placed at their website. We sent in several
>>rebuttals, but Rip-Off would NOT post it at their
>>website. Ed, the owner, insisted that we pay the
>>$5,000 and then qualified the request for money
>>stating that “the $5,000 would only cover 4 Rip-Off
>>Reports mentioning our company.”
>>I went on to tell Ed that there was NO RIP-OFF. No
>>one paid any money, no one received poor service, no
>>one received inferior products, and no one purchased a
>>car and paid too much, in fact no one even contacted
>>us here at Select Your Gifts. I asked him point
>>blank… where is the Rip-Off? Ed went on to say that
>>he was just a consumer advocate that allowed people to
>>vent their frustrations. He did say that “this person
>>went overboard” and “his complaint was unjustified.”
>>I then asked Ed to take the Report off of the website.
>> He said he could not do that and that his website was
>>designed to allow people to vent their frustrations.
>>Ed then repeated his statement saying “that we should
>>pay the $5,000… we will be very happy with the
>>At that point Ed’s cell phone went dead.
>>Needless to say, we did not pay the $5,000 to Ed.
>>Our Select Your Gifts product has been given to over
>>500,000 families that have visited car dealers and we
>>have received two (2) negative comments on sites of
>>this nature. In both cases the complaint was against
>>the dealer and we happened to be mentioned as an after
>>thought. The certificate does exactly what it says,
>>the recipient receives $1,000 worth of merchandise and
>>they only have to pay the shipping and handling and a
>>one time $5 per order fee. Thousands of customers
>>have received gifts in every state and we do whatever
>>is necessary to keep the customer happy.
>>Dave from Arizona has every right to state his
>>opinion, but its just that… an opinion. He received
>>exactly what was promised and never took advantage of
>>the shopping spree certificate.
>>Select Your Gifts prides itself on the fact that we
>>have been in business for over 26 years and have a
>>happy and satisfied customer base. Dave from Arizona,
>>if you read this, please go to www.selectyourgifts.com
>>and use your certificate. We are sure you will be
>>delighted with the products you receive.
>Complaint About a breeder in Brazil
>Serra de Itanhandu Kennel in Brazil
>Gerson Ribeiro Junqueira de Barros
>also called Cachaca Guapiara
>Took $1300.00 and when I cancelled the order for the
>puppy a fila brasileiro he would not send the money
>back. He would not send me another puppy when I asked
>and would not x-ray the puppy either, at four months
>to ensure I was not getting a dysplastic puppy. I
>cancelled the transaction because the majority of his
>offspring are dysplastic and need to be replaced. He
>continues to send puppies to the US but fails to honor
>some replacements. I found out about people's
>experiences after I sent him the money Western Union
>in July 2006.

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  • Re: RIPOFFREPORT and EZBC complete SCAM -- max willoughby (products are indeed $1. junk not worth shipping), 11:15:34 12/27/09 Sun
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