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Date Posted: 17:12:29 03/14/10 Sun
Author: Daniel Bruce Scalff (im being sued in orlando 3/15-3/18 2010)
Subject: Daniel Bruce Scalff Ripoffreport in court 3/15-3/18 2010
In reply to: scamcat 's message, "ripoffreport and easybackgroundcheck web extortion" on 12:54:07 02/08/05 Tue


Here is link link for Ed ,Daniel Bruce Scallf ,Les Henderson


Ed the recordings I made have you directing me to juice up the stories so we could extort more money HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed Magedson Rip-offreport.com Frank Torelli aka Danny Scalf ,the failing actor,Les Henderson Danny Scalf posts on ripoff under Frank Torelli he made the mistake of recording many calls taking direction from ED Magedson, he has been hailed into US district court in Orlando fl March 15-18,2010 see link above. Come listen to the tapes and meet Danny Scalf who is the smoking gun to lead to a successful suit against ED Magedson. Hours of recordings of Torelli/Scalf taking direction from Magotson If you have wondered if they make up stories about companies in order to extort money from them later ,you will hear The Fat Toad, ED,

Telling Torelli to do just that!!!
>Group of Criminals behind ripoffreport
>(badbusinessbureau) and EZBC (easybackgroundcheck) –
>Ed Magedson
>Les Henderson
>Edward Bloedow
>Frank Torelli
>William Rosenberger
>Madelene Rosenberger
>Roberto Villasenor Jr.
>Stephen Howe
>Michael Potter
>Klaas DeVries Jr.
>Ted Peterson
>Stick Bogart

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