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Subject: Sephiroth trains... and somethin else

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Date Posted: 04:43:25 02/12/02 Tue

I did not quite get what you mena with you persons name : you mena sephiroth : i will kick your sorry exuse for an ass?? like that?

Some were on planet inforno....
Sephiroth was silently meditating....
Schadows were gathering around sephiroth...
The shadows began to take shape into a form that looked like sephiroth..
A illusion was created...
!!! sephiroth opend his eyes all of a sudden and started running towards the illusion..
Tsssuauuau!!!! sephiroth trew punches and kicks at the shadow and he started blocking them all off....
Then after some mins sephiroth enhanced his punch with ki and hit shadow against the jaw and black blood dripped offf it...
Then sephiroth releashed his henchmen and they and the illusion started attacking sephiroth trying to get him down.
But sephiroth flew up in the sky and launched a huge Bukurikima wich pierced one of the henchmen and blood sprayt out!
Then sephiroth let it rain death balls and ki beams and all of the enemy's were hit..
Blood and skin was everywere and the henchmen were crying out in pain!
Muwhahahahahahahahah suffer!!!
Sephiroth flew down and ki kickt illusion into the ground and started drill-punching him into the ground untill he was gone. But then the 2 remaining henchmen attacked him and kickt him in the back.
Sephiroth flew trough 3 mountains and blood was coming of his face.
Sephiroth gatherd a whole bunch of energy and fired a galic ho at one of the henchmen who tryt to counter with a kamehameha but it failed and he was unconsious to.
The remaining one trew ki balls at seph and seph started dodgeing them all. After some dodging seph attacked the hench and theyw ent 1 on 1.
Ater some time the hench got tired and seph trew a kick in his stomach and he trew up blood into seph's face.
Seph made him pay by trowing a death ball in his face wich got tottaly burned.
Then sephiroth charged up and unleashed the full wrath of his power on the henchman. He fired ki blasts and ki balls till he had no mroe pwoer left then he shot a bukurikima on him and the henchman was down and unconsious.....
With his last remaining energy he launched a galic ho trough 5 mountains and at the 6th he let it blow up.
Its 3 x gravity...

Used : heavy weights , henchmen

ok is this ok or can i say Sephiroth : you got dam son of a bitch or like that.
And what i more wanted to say, i reccommend everyone.net to use as boards. you can set up your own account and all.
URL : http://www.everyone.net.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Re: Sephiroth trains... and somethin elseGotenks22:32:45 02/12/02 Tue

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