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Date Posted: 22:13:02 06/07/00 Wed
Author: Dez
Subject: Re: IMA Way
In reply to: Medreth 's message, "Re: IMA Way" on 11:48:19 06/02/00 Fri

> > As I mentioned before, I think the IMA way might just
> > be the ticket for me too. Like you, I don't have
> > anything bad to say about NG. I have their clubs and
> > love them.
> >
> > I haven't been to Scott's school yet but recently I
> > did get his Full Swing Video. Based on that, I think
> > his school would be excellent.
> >
> > His tape, while not as polished as the LOBG tape, was
> > very informative. It cleared up some misconceptions
> I
> > had about the grip, release, etc..
> >
> > Moe's da man!
> *****************
> I also have the IMA tapes along with all the tapes
> from NG. The IMA tapes explain some of the things
> that are left off the NG and "Moe Norman" tapes.
> You can not beat personal lessons as the instructor
> will see the little things that "you are doing" or
> "not doing" that will improve your swing.
> Regards,
> Medreth

Although I have yet to improve drastically with NG, I have bought in to the Single-Axis concept. For me (in simplistic terms) the advantages are:

1) First time I saw it IT LOOKED LIKE ME, only with possible results. Flat footed, short back swing, and purportedly dead straight which my best shots were, no pretty draw or fade, just a rope.

2) NG is more and more "OUT THERE" for all to see. No way I would have found Heard, Scott, or the Prof. If NG hadn't been there to show me there was another way. There was even enough HYPE to get an internet forum together for, we the curious, to scan and p/up tips and confidence to go in public with that goofy swing. I can even get a lesson in Canada. Good or evil, NG is the Microsoft of Single-Axis.

3) NG set the marketing standard as far as I can see, although I don't know the relative chronology of the other internet sites, MONEY BACK GUARANTY, is a common thread.

4) I believe golf skill is usually a progression of aquired skills and knowlege. Those that can, stick to CG and that gracefull spin (God it felt good if you felt gracefull with a sweet cracking sound, even if you hit it dead into the weeds). Try the next level NG, no good? Try IMA, Heard, whatever, maybe there are those who will benefit from the next innovation after Single Axis.

5) There are 2 other common threads, Moe & Jack. In Jack's new INNOVATIONGOLF, he outlines his lesson plan for his school. Theory goes like this, you can do many things; improve your CG results, or you may get better results by adopting SA, or get the best results with LPG. He gets a bit tense sometimes in his Q&A on Scigolf, but at least he does let students decide where they want to go.

Crap..this is longer than GeneO! More than nuff said.


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