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Date Posted: 00:04:26 10/21/03 Tue
Author: Drummond
Subject: American Splendor

Saw it tonight. Best film I've seen in ages.

Harvey Pekar is probably the last working class intellectual with any fame (no, Michael Moore doesn't count). I've been reading his stuff since the 1980s. He does a sort of neo-existential comic book depiction of his day-to-day life. He was "discovered" by Robert Crumb, although he's not quite as frenetic in his style.

Although he claims that his jousts with Letterman didn't get him the sales, the account thereof in In These Times drew me to him. He can be pretty depressing, because he has a pretty depressing life. If he's making it up, he's layering it very well. Actually, the stuff makes you wince at times it's so disturbing.

I can relate to the guy actually. His relationship with his equally nuts wife reminds me a little of my relationship with my wife, or the dark side of it anyway. Both of us cracked up simultaneously when they had certain arguments that resonated with some of ours. (What also scared me is that I found the woman very attractive)

The Bay Guardian review suggested it was overproduced, but I don't agree. While it didn't take the vignette structure of his comic books, and maybe tried to be too cute with the comic book like captions throughout the film, I didn't think he was "selling out." It contained the edge that will keep it out of much mainstream viewing. It certainly won't air on anything other than Bravo. All I can think of is what he once told Crumb "I'd sell out in a minute if I had something they would buy."

I may write a more thorough review later. Too tired right now.

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