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Date Posted: 00:14:46 10/31/03 Fri
Author: Drummond
Subject: Tolerance - southern style

Apologies to any southerners here, but I just have a hard time picturing this happening to a pro-war advocate in my community.


PROGRESSIVE - Cindy Hunter and her husband, Sam Nickels, opposed Bush's
war against Iraq. "For the last seven months, we've been putting up a
sign on our property," says Hunter, a professor of social work at James
Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. At first, the sign
expressed the hope that the war could be avoided. Then, says Hunter,
they changed the sign to list the number of casualties, which they
periodically updated, and sometimes to list the number of weapons of
mass destruction found, which was always zero. Hunter says the signs
provoked a lot of good dialogue. But that's not all.

"People would come by at night every few weeks or so and break our sign
up," she says. "And one time last spring we had eggs tossed against our
house," which is a few blocks from campus. To spare the sign, they
decided to bring it up on their porch. . .

At 4:50 a.m. on October 20, Hunter and Nickels were asleep. So were
their three children, ages 7, 8, and 11. And so was Adama Sow, a
30-year-old refugee from Mauritania, who was living upstairs. "Our smoke
alarm went off, and my husband I got out of bed and saw smoke and got
the kids out and our roommate out," Hunter says. "It was immediately
clear to me that the sign had burned because the only fire you could see
was on the right front of the house where the sign used to be.". . .
Hunter says the fire cost "about $50,000 in damage. The whole upstairs
of our house was charred, and the firemen made a hole in the roof."

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