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Date Posted: 23:11:48 11/19/03 Wed
Author: Drummond
Subject: Up against the machine

I really am fascinated by the SF mayoral race. This is modern counterculture pulling out all the stops to defeat one of the toughest political machines in existence. Both of the alternative weeklies have jumped on board, even the SF Weekly, which has been critical of Gonzalez.
The Bay Guardian stuff has several articles of interest, and Newsom may have made his first mistake. He told everybody in the first debate that most of his money came from small donations from all around the city. Apparently, that's not the case.

Folks, Newsom could very well be governor in a few years, and could very well be president. DLC types are having erections over him. Gonzalez may be the nations first truly effective left wing politician in decades, whether he wins this race or not. This is a clash of political giants - both of them intelectual heavyweights. If this were NY or LA, it would be getting much more media coverage.


The SF Weekly editorial is about the vote Gonzalez made last night, favoring the "back room coup" councilman Daly pulled off when he became acting mayor for Brown's quest for enlightenment. The Weekly suggests that the "irresponsible" vote was the most responsible. The column went to print before the vote, and by now they know that Gonzalez opted for principle over pragmatic politics, and it could conceivably cost him the election.


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