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Date Posted: 20:25:33 04/03/04 Sat
Author: The Serpent
Subject: "The Passion": A snuff film for the family.

I saw "The Passion", and I firmly believe that it sucked great, big hairy monkey balls. I mean, many people were tortured and crucified in those times.

So, I have to ask, what in the hell is the point of "The Passion"; To show how people were tortured by Romans? Jesus was just a spit in the ocean of people who were tortured and crucified in those times.

Maybe Robert DeNiro will make a movie about the Salem Witch Trials. Or maybe Harrison Ford will make a movie about cultural genocide through religion, starvation, death squads, economic globalization, sanctions and biological warfare. And he would have a great range of subjects to base his plot around -- such as, the Jews, particular African tribes, Native Americans, Iraqis, Vietnamese, our own American soldiers, Iran-Contra, victims of the Drug War, and there is so much more. All that actually makes "The Passion" look like fun.

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