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Date Posted: 07:12:10 01/09/05 Sun
Author: The Serpent
Subject: Anyone up for some torture?

Its funny how so many Americans approve and/or have an extremely twisted definition of what torture is. Many people believe that since terrorists are cutting our guys' heads off its okay if we use torture to interrogate the insurgency. That excuse is lamer than FDR's legs.

And the problems I see with it:

One. America's standards should be above the terrorists (obviously).

Two. Torturing for information is fucking ridiculous. In many cases the enemy will tell a lie to end his suffering (which would make torture totally ineffective).

Three. Let's say we changed the Geneva Convention's rules to Gonzales' liking. If that happens doesn't this set our own soldiers' up for a rough future? I mean, other countries could treat our troops the same way Gonzales wants to treat Iraqi prisoners.

And why are we questioning Iraqis anyway? We aren't fighting a war with them (where's their army?), we're occupying a country. So the whole thing is completely fucked up, and the Bush administration has been coasting through the whole thing when they should be in criminal court. People wanna ask when Michael Jackson is going to jail -- when is Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney, Carl Rove, Condoleeza Rice and George W. Bush going to jail?

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