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Date Posted: 17:11:24 04/07/02 Sun
Author: OOTS
Subject: Guess what? New char for me... aGIN!

Name: Pylora Flameheart

Age: 254.3 ... approximately

Gender: female (YAAAY! first female charrie at any site in a long time!)

Race: nymph(? something...)/phoenix

Profession: fortune teller... kinda like a gypsy I suppose, and she knows many curse-type magic, and her phoenix side gives her innate powers over fire.

Class: middle

Description: She has two forms, humanoid and phoenix. Her humanoid form is like a bird anthro -- she is elvish-looking, with orangey-red feathers on her arms like wings (though she can't fly), and a feather crest (which mixes with her long black hair) that starts at the top of her head and gets smaller as it goes down her neck and back. Her skin is pale, but her eyes are a fiery red. She wears flowing, but not fancy, gowns, which are usually black or dark red, and some kind of 'kerchief on her head to cover the largest of the crest feathers. In phoenix form, she is, well, a gold, red, and orange phoenix, with the same red eyes. Her personality is rather mysterious, and being a gypsy only helps that.

Weaponry/other items: she needs no weaponry other than her strange powers and phoenix talons.

Brief History: She traveled from across the desert to Eltheran several decades ago, though no one knows she was from there. She travels between the desert lands and the south, as she's quite comfortable in the desert atmosphere and the south is infamous for its mystery, which is something she really enjoys.

mwahaha, me and my crazy characters... oh yeah:

what, the curtains?
no, the land, you idiot!
But I don't want the land; i'd rather... i'd rather SING!
Stop that, stop that! ...

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