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Date Posted: 11:12:28 04/20/02 Sat
Author: Kitana
Subject: ºWhat, the Curtains?º

Name: Kitana Blade
Age: Unknown (Young yet, for an Elf)
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Profession*: Battlemage
Class*: Upper
Appearence~physical: Skin: A light tan year round;
Eyes: Green w/ a touch of gold
Hair: Black w/ red streaks
Body: Tall and slender~a trait that
comes from her elven heritage
~Persona: Find out for yourself...
History: Perhaps she'll tell you someday...
Weaponry/Armour: Mostly relies on Magic, but can use almost any weapon and armour, and is just as quick with a blade as with a spell.
Familiar: Namid~A small, red vixen who has been with Kitana almost since birth. Kitana communicates with Namid telepathically and Namid, occasionally, allows Kitana to use her energy for spells.
Magic Items: A small stone ring-powers unknown; a blue gemstone-used to consentrate small amounts of energy for spells; a thin white rod-powers unknown; a small, gilded, vine-carved staff-a rare object which allows anyone capable of magic to handle a greater amount of power than would otherwise be safely possible unaided; a golden ring of a serpent eating its own tail entwined around a wheel-powers unknown, symbolizes time and eternity; a piece of heartstone-an indestructible subtance:any known force used in an attempt to break it is absorbed, making heartstone stronger.

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