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Date Posted: 13:22:26 04/23/02 Tue
Author: Kyoki (~^becca^~)
Subject: -^Joining^-

Name: Kyoki Selani
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Selkie
Profession*: Wandering Fisher-girl who'll do odd jobs.
Class*: Middle
Description: She's slightly smallish for a Selkie, but still manages to be on the skinner side since she swims most of her time. Her eyes are a dark blue, about the color of the inky darkness of the ocean depths. Her hair is cropped around her ears and picks up a seaweed-ish tint with a few hints of orange. Her skin color borders on the blue side, but that's only after a long swim. She usually wears flared khaki pants, no shoes and a worn black top on which the sleeves had long ago been torn off of. (As a seal, she's just a smallish grey seal with large black eyes and a few white specks around her back.)
Weaponry/other items: She carries a long, curved dagger stuck through her belt, no sheath. It's said she also carries a bambo stick and a handfull of darts that can be addressed with various type of posions and herbs. But to have that, of course she'd have a small herb pouch of assorted posions, herbs and poweders. (No, she's not a healer, but might be if she wanted.) Another one of her posessions is the clear dark blue stone secured around her neck with a piece of twined seaweed. If that wasn't enough, she wears a red bandanna around her upper arm so others can identify her as a seal.

"What? The curtains?"
"Whattya want with them?"
"Stop stealing Heero's lines!" *Whap*
"Omao o korosu, baka."
"Ah...shaddup!" *Bags alt. self with the cutains.*

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