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Date Posted: 16:34:18 06/27/02 Thu
Author: Aurie
Subject: I'm joining...yay me!

hello i'm joining on behalf of my cousin's leave, tell me if i put something i can't but the information page wouldn't load, so i consulted my monster manual to choose stuff, blame it!

Name: Auroreia Eriol(Aurie)
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: half-elf
Profession*: traveling 8th level mage?
Class*: middle
Description: About 6"3, has sholder blade length silvery hair, she dyed the tips an inch from the end purple. Her eyes are almond shaped, and are two colors, a brown color around the pupil, and a green color after that. She wears black books, white tights/pants, a dark gray tunic, and black golves. Holds her hair back in small braids. Has a mark on her right arm that travels from the back of her hand, spirals and stops at her elbow.
Weaponry/other items: healing, can also use a bow and/or a spear, she uses long rang weaponry much better than short range. She has a weak phisical body and often uses her magic to help her in battle.

What, the curtians?

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