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Date Posted: 07:47:44 03/15/02 Fri
Author: Arishia
Subject: Joining

Name: Arishia Venathen
Age: 132
Race: Elven
Profession*: Mage
Class*: Upper
Physical- Arishia has a petite face and stubborn chin framed by dark eyes and glossy, curly black hair that tumbles down to the bottoms of her shoulder blades. She is most often seen wearing a loose fitting sturdy white tunic and baggy brown pants with worn brown boots and a thin black belt strap.
Emotional- Arishia is a stubborn person, always defending her point of view, and rarely gets overtly upset about anything, which is a benefit. Rather, the girl is doomed to be content, never really been very happy or sad. She's
good at tactical things, and getting people to understand what she means. She is a naturally tolerant person, who
tries to accept all, and only gets in arguments because she enjoys them, and does so with a smile. She is actually an intelligent young girl, knowing many things but never knowing any gossip or such, as she prefers not to talk
about things like that.
Weaponry/other items: She carries two average daggers, one in her belt, one in her boot, a pouch for her magic components and such, and a pouch for her valuables. Also, can her familiar be a gryphon?

What, the curtains?

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