Date Posted:17:28:20 02/04/02 Mon Author: Wisdoms Author Host/IP: / Subject: Ugh In reply to:
|.Shadows of the Realm.|
's message, "§.why?.§" on 17:22:14 02/04/02 Mon
There is this stallion who goes around and offends a bunch of mares(Dancing Flame to name one). Well anywho, he offended one of my leads and I got mad(as any normal stallion would). So I kicked him and WH said I was power playin. So maybe I was, kinda, but the other could just jump out of the way, like most usually do. Any who, I can't challenge the stallion on the challenge board(since WH doesn't allow that)and I can't kick or bite him whatsoever(or I will be accused of power playin). What am I supposed to do?