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Subject: Donkay RPG Rules

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Date Posted: 20:17:04 01/25/02 Fri

The first rule of the donkay rpg -- you do not talk about the donkay rpg.

The second rule of the donkay rpg -- YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT THE DONKAY RPG.

third rule -- You may be any animal you wish, so long as you sign up as that animal. The animal must be somewhat 'wacky'. I, for example, am the penguin.

fourth rule of the rpg is -- the animals begin as normal ones, and may only use natural weapons. once you have been a member for a while you may choose special abilities. My penguin has telepathy, telekenisis, pyrokenisis, et cetera.

the fifth rule -- the board is for fighting. your animals will harm eachother in any way possible, but the attacks must be realistic according to their status.

sixth rule of donaky rpg -- killing another member will result in your level being lowered to zero. no exceptions.

seventh rule -- signing up process is as such:
1) list your animal. (example: Penguin)
2) list any special attributes. you may have one special ability when signing up, make it reasonable. if you are a mod or persuade a mod to let you, you may have special priveledges in this area. (example: Telekenisis)
3) list any and all contact methods. (example: ihateimacs@yahoo.com, supervegita89, etc)
4) you must state that you agree to every rule.

and the 8th, and final rule of the rpg -- on your first time at the rpg, you have to fight.

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Subject Author Date
joiningTai20:35:36 01/25/02 Fri
Re: Donkay RPG Ruleschristi21:22:32 01/25/02 Fri
RULES REVISION -- PLEASE READ!!!Tom21:27:45 01/25/02 Fri

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