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Date Posted: 05:15:48 05/13/03 Tue
Author: Rev. Mercy Wood
Subject: Help us help these unfortunate Orphans children who are dying of Aids / Hiv

Dear brethren,
Iam asking for your financial assistance for my mission trip to Malawi to assist in Children dying of aids who need food and care. My name is Evangelist Mercy Wood. I am a co founder of a mission charity. Helping to meet the needs of humanity worldwide in based in the UK.
Regarding the issue of Aids Victims, I would like to say that what is mostly needed is good food. It is believed that if patients suffering from aids are given balanced diet they can live for a long time. Most of the patients cannot get this so it affects them greatly. To those that have been sick for a long time need also help of clothing. There are also times when we need to take some of the patients to hospital for medical care and the need for transport comes in.
The following are some of the orphans and needy children we care for:
Dorothy Simba, Erick Phiri, Rabecca Simba, Anne Phiri, Edina Saka, Chipiliro Nkhoma, Lidiya Kachala, Sipiliyawo Konzani, Antolinyo Mangani, Dalitso Kamanga, Harry Chisale, James Lunda, Apatsa Mloma, Thokozani Liwanda, Sekani Khobiri, Chipiliro Katchika, Wezi Chilongo, Pempho Hora, Fatima Misomali, Susan Galawanda, Smart Kaugale, Raban Kapazila, Frank Chikafutwa, George Maganizo, Chitenji Makina.
Some of these children attend our school taught by volunteers during the day. Their main needs are food and clothing as well as proper education. We fail to give them quality education due to lack of qualified teachers and enough food due to our limited resources. We have leased 1.08 Hectares of land where we intend to build an orphanage and a better school if funds permit. Currently, our children are under home based care.
The following are some of the names of people suffering from Aids:
Elizabeth Mbetewa, Jane Mponda, Andrew Mbewe, Frank Zambezi, Amos Nkhoma, Jonathan Phiri, Dancan Saka, Maggie Longwe, Rose Mulaviwa, John Simba to name but few. We are visiting this August please help us help them.
Due to high numbers of people with HIV/Aids, our hospitals in Malawi can not manage to care for all the aids sufferers due to lack of space and proper medical care. All those that have been diagnosed and found having the desease are sent back to their homes and are put under home based care. Their main needs are mostly food, medication and clothes. Sometimes they are too weak to walk to hospital for examination and we face problems of transporting them.
We have volunteers in the church who go to schools, colleges, hospitals and work places with messages of aids prevention. They also do some councelling to those already affected with the disease. The main problem for these councellors is transportation which affects their performance. Please help us. We need about $6,000
Donations payable to Wood World Missions
118- 120 London Road, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 3LB. UK
Office Tel: 020 8286 3018
www.woodworldmissions.org 2Cor9:4-15

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