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Subject: :+:Follows:+: :::Nods::: *Smiles* |Pounces|

Star Shadows, Sea of Fury, Blackest Soul, Passion of Love
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Date Posted: 21:16:13 09/06/02 Fri
In reply to: F&B, Lost Darkness, Celebrate the First. 's message, "::Love:: :~: Exit:~: [:].:.[:]" on 20:30:13 09/06/02 Fri

This femme smiles at her mother. She was pleased with the names. Spawn of Chaos, Hell Vixen, and Passion of Love. They all where perfect. She motions for her brother to follow as she copy's Darknesses exit. Silently she to slips out.

Sea blue male nods to his mother, she was happy. He was there with her in theses happy times and now he slips out of the darkness of the cave, as his two sisters had done.

Smile placed 'pon her face. She hugs her friend once more and whispers softly. I love there names. She releases F&B and then exits the cave. This time sould be for the mother and father of theses new lil devils. With a small glance back her head dissapears outside.


style=background="teal">Yellow drakling snorts in agreement. For what? She was not sure. All she new was that her mother and father close, most strangers she had scared of, and her name was Passions Of Love. Lil drakling leaps up as Spawn leaps by. Muscle tense, lil legs push hard off the ground, sending her pouncing towards Hell Vixin and Spawn. Claws, arms, legs and head curl up into a small ball, plumminting towards the other two. Her small body smashess into Spawn pushing him off Vixen. She then takes her place ontop of Vixen. She grins. Now she was the ruler, the Queen.


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(*)Agree(*)HeLl SiNgEr21:54:15 09/06/02 Fri

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