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Subject: [:].:.[:] ::Ъ�k���� ��Х::

F&B & �p�wn �� �hao�
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Date Posted: 14:39:37 10/20/02 Sun
In reply to: HeLl SiNgEr 's message, "(*)Fire Approaches(*)" on 14:00:18 10/20/02 Sun

::Ъ�k���� ��Х::
::Blackened mistress steps forth, we;lcoming grin plaing 'pon ashen features::
::Singer, what a pleasant surprise::
::Come in::

::Femme steps back to allow the other more room for entry, arms cradling small navy creature::
::I take it you have heard of BS's awakening, and she comes with a vengence::
::At least that much was obvious::
::Arms rock slightly, as not to awaken the sleeping babe, and optics remained focused on the red, waiting for a responce::
::Ъ�k���� ��Х::

Ocules of dark hue are blinded by small lids, chest ising gently, then falling with the breath of life.
In sleep, he is peaceful, calm, almost adorable.
In wake, he is the opposite.
Which does thee prefer?
Glint of ruby catches thyn eye, and optics focus of the gem.
Still clutching the ruby he had recieved from the shadow, he had fallen into slumber as blackened mother carried him to the cavern.
Fallen asleep in her arms, and she had not the heart to put him down...

The First
He was Spawn
He was Chaos
He conquered
He ruled
He was king

�p�wn �� �hao�

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+landing+Fathom17:39:07 10/20/02 Sun

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