Subject: ::Decision:: |
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Date Posted: 16:35:54 08/11/02 Sun
In reply to:
HeLl SiNgEr
's message, "(*)still thinking(*)" on 15:22:55 08/11/02 Sun
::The black sighs again and black optics stare up at her friend.::
::Singer, I... I will speak with him. The feeling I get from him, I do not like it either. But he must know things about me. There must have been something more, between us... There was something Singer, I know it. Oh, if only Fathom were here. I miss him so much...::
::She stands up and breaths deeply. Ooids focused on the cave entrance, she moves forward, motioning for HS to follow. Her thoughts race... Again, a strange feeling takes her. Frozen in midbreath, she stops moving and gasps for air, as if all the air was suddenly torn out of her.::
::A soft laughter fills the air and the black glances around. She's smiling, she can feel it. An uncontrolable feeling of love and satisfaction. Looking around she can see a small brood of eggs. One, a deep turquoise, two, a dark seagreen, three, a light purple and four, a midnight black. She smiles, but is confused. Where did they come from? Whose clutch were they? A shadow falls over her and the eggs and she whips around. She relaxes slightly when she recognizes the figure. She smiles again, but weakly. Trance... She nuzzles the silver figure and her tail curls around his own, carefully placed inbetween silver spikes. The male nods and stares down at the eggs. But he is not happy like she is. He is... sad. She can feel it. She looks up at him, and optics glow a dark gray. Carefully, she pulls the four delicate eggs to her using black claws. He turns sharply. Four... Two male, two female... "'Tis a pity you cannot keep them. Sge hisses lowly and pulls away slightly. Her question is obvious. He looks at her sadly. You know you cannot keep them, Forbidden. I'm sorry, this isn't my fault... Dark shadows fall over the two as the black lunges forward in anger, her tail slicing through the air at his throat. But it never reaches it's target. Black night swallows her as a sharp pain hits her head. The last thing she sees is thee black shadows, and Trance, his eyes closed. He cannot look upon her. She hisses and reaches out blindly for her eggs, but, she can feel nothin...::
::Understanding hits the black as a wave of rage and memories strike her. Her memory was in pieces, but she knew this much. Her four children, their children, were gone. She roars in anger, sorrow and a wave of strengh washes over her. She hisses sharply and takes to the air. Her eyes blaze red and great black pinions spread. They pound mercilessly against the air and she soars forward, out of her cavern and into the heat of the day...::
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