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Subject: **Shakes her Head**

Blackest Soul
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Date Posted: 19:16:03 08/14/02 Wed
In reply to: Lost Darkness 's message, ":~:Soft Simper:~:" on 23:19:44 08/13/02 Tue

The black shakes her head as Lost Darkness speaks of them destroying F&B's mind.

No. Your arrive didn't destroy her mind. No you being her will help her. See would have remembered you at some point in her life. If Trance and you would have never come then she might not remember her beloved children until she was old. that would have been even harder for her if she was old and suddenly one day remember she had lived her entire life without her children. No I think it is a good thing you and your siblings have come...

She places her claw on Lost Darknesses soulder comfortingly.

Lost Darkness things will get harder for her yes but it is better now then later.

She withdraws her claw and looks at her friend, sleeping peacefully.

What is the count of dragons she kill...

She spots in mid word. Knowing that really wasn't any of her business.

No, she will not become as closed as Trance. She may close abit but she has you four, Fathom and friends to help her get thought it. Trance I believe had none for how he is. But I am not sure about that...

She turns and looks at Lost Darkness, suprise on her face.

M'dear you are not to soft. Killing dragons for pleasure is not my idea of ferice. No I think it it good you have mostly only killed in self defense. You are tough Lost Darkness. Does that not count for anything to you? You've raised yourself and 3 others from hatchlings. Survived the darkness that drives other dragoness insane. Saved your mother. Seen your father almost die. And more things you have done that I do not now about. All these make you tough. And alot of the times toughness is better than fericeness...

Her gaze returns to F&B, hoping she has not said to much as she offen does...

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:~:Grin:~:Darkness21:26:09 08/15/02 Thu

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