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Date Posted: 16:43:12 05/26/02 Sun
Author: [owner]
Author Host/IP: h24-83-65-82.vc.shawcable.net /
Subject: [premier medieval rpg .inside.]

rain falls steadily from slate-grey clouds, sheets of precipiation falling to the lush woods and moors of england's vast new forest. thunder rumbles far off, the occasional crackle of lightening seen on the horizon, berating the distant ports of lymington.

rainfall forms puddles along the muddy path, slowing any swift progress towards the hunched city of hogwen. thunder booms closer now, fresh hail and rain falling ever harder, wind sending the green sea of the woodlands into a swaying dance, haunting, rythmic.

the same wind toys with your cloak, whipping the dense material.. your horse's hoofbeats are lost on the staccato rhythm of the storm, muffled by mud and wind. up ahead, the thatched rooves of hogwen can be seen, clustered together along a main road. further on, atop a hill, resides the castle tor, a stone bastion standing tall against the elements. the fief is a welcome respite from your travels. come, rest a while..

it is the year of our lord 1445, a time of prosper among the new forest folk, especially among the fief of hogwen, led under the rule of duke gregory hunt. welcome to hogwen.. seek your fortune, build your name..


[ooc: a note: this is not in any way named after that cursed britney spears movie! arg, this rpg`s name has been tainted forever by that blonde bimbo. also, the boards are currently being remodelled. enjoy!]

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