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Date Posted: 11:26:11 06/14/02 Fri
Author: h
Author Host/IP: 076.207-34-98-0.interbaun.com /
Subject: blah
In reply to: teeeeeeeest 's message, "teeeeeeeest" on 11:19:23 06/14/02 Fri

alias .
aka .
maturity .
appearance .
persona .
instrumental .

alias .
aka .
maturity .
appearance .
persona .
instrumental .

alias .
aka .
maturity .
appearance .
persona .
instrumental .

alias .
aka .
maturity .
appearance .
persona .
instrumental .

Matthew DeChalmplain
tall, lean, dark spikey hair, brown eyes. muscular
quiet and introverted, very laid back
bass guitar, backup vocalist

Darby Soriano
Darbs, Darb
slender, tall, blond/honey hair, blue eyes. Skateboarder, baggy clothing
loves to skateboard, blunt and opinionated. Sociable but wary
electric guitar, vocalist

Andrew Hunter
well-built but not showy, tall, sandy blonde hair dyed blue and spiked. Various tattoo’s and piercings, skateboarder
friendly, sociable. Sorta split persona, though mostly jokester and quite outgoing

Dragon Hunter
slim and tall, black hair with emerald green eyes
most unsocial of the group, very quiet and introverted
keyboard, backup vocalist

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  • blah -- h, 11:28:07 06/14/02 Fri

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