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Date Posted: 19:48:22 07/04/02 Thu
Author: Dara
Author Host/IP: h24-70-11-55.cg.shawcable.net /
Subject: Captivity


In places few has time been free

Of love and gratitude should never have been

Take advantage of as they where, the day when hell fell upon earth

They came with no forgiveness, forsaken beings of their homage was anyone’s guess

They overtook us all, no fighting soul was left

At first it seemed a promise, that perhaps it would not be so bad… No more wars to plague us…

No more evil deeds to plan

Yet upon nights hither, passing by, their true colors showed their brilliant yet dull eye

They encaged us, stripping away our humanity

Treating us as if we where, the lowest life form that they could see

At first it was our personal hell, thrown into cages to be bought and sold

Some of us engaged so long that we grew old

Those of us bought to those barbarian creatures wished we were dead

Buried somewhere deeper

They treated us like animals beat us with whips

Until our souls could no longer not except

There we stay, as slaves to these un-human creatures

Waiting for freedom to come and help us

Whichever form it may chose

We could not care nor would it matter in the slightest

Perhaps it shall hear our prayer everlasting?

Or are we all condemned to captivity?


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