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You walk along a dirt pathway in the dark lair. It twirls in twinds in every direction, leading to a cave, built into a mountain. Steam swirls up from the cracks in the ground floor. You look to the peak of the mountain. You realise, it's a volcano. Lava spurts out from the top of the volcano and slips down the side, far from the cave entrance. You walk closer to the cave, the heat beginning to rise. You reach the entrance and poke your head in. No sight of anyone. You walk in through a dark rock hall until you come to a round chamber with a fire burning in the middle of it. Suddenly a black dragon with few red swirls comes out from a tunnel at the other side of the chamber, a crimson dragoness behind him. The black dragon speaks, I am Druid, and this is my mate Blood Lust, this is our Lair. The crimson dragoness steps forward and speaks, I am Blood Lust, as my mate, Druid just said. If you are dark, you are welcome here anytime, light, get out now, or perish to my talons. A small blacky red hatchling walks out from behind Blood Lust and holds onto her mothers leg carefully. The dragoness picks up the hatchling and sits down by the fire with her mate.

Master of the Cave: Druid
Mistress of the Cave: Blood Lust

Ebony Mirage[Female]

~Others Allowed Here~
Rouke: Lust's Father
Scarlet: Lust's Mother

Rouke's Lair
The Dark Lair

Subject Author Date
Sets 6000 Test Downloadarrivgin09:40:15 01/22/14 Wed
Blood Lust, are you here darling?Druid12:23:16 03/07/03 Fri
WELCOME HOME EBONYDruid16:29:25 10/28/02 Mon
Very nice my dear...Druid17:38:47 09/20/02 Fri
Hey Blood Lust...Druid's player19:41:48 09/20/02 Fri

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Lair of the Druid and the Blood Lust
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