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Date Posted: 11:16:10 12/05/02 Thu
Author: Sri Perdana Press Office
Subject: Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Putrajaya, Tun Munchkin wished Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri earlier today at the Putrjaya Mosque after Isya' prayers and takbir. He also sent his greeting to Raja Harris in Glasgow and Tun Faiz in Manchester. He also 'minta maaf zahir batin' for wrong doings in the past. '0-0, ok?' he added. His entourage promptly replied in a codified language by saying 'OSRAIT!!!'. He showed concern over the increasing number of road accidents in Malaysia and reminded the people to drive safely. During a brief meeting with Raja Komeng and Don Dubuque at Mahbub, the Don suggested that KTM should improve their services to reduce the load of road traffic. It has been rumored that the King and PM will look into that matter personally. One close official said that the project is known as "Project Conga". - Sri Perdana Press Office

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