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Subject: Review of a very funny book that will really make you laugh a lot

Eric Dierker (Laughing a lot.)
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Date Posted: 07:29:39 03/20/13 Wed

Sometimes we read books that are not quite of the genres that we care for, usually because some in law forced it on us and would quiz us at the next family meal

If you want a book to give to a conspiracy theory nutcase, look no further. Or if you are one read then give to your non-friends. Meade is just a good fellow. Definitely not pretentious and just a pleasant soul. He is not big star material unless you really liked Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Wells. However Meade put some heart into his Novella, The Zombie, the Cat, and Barack Obama. Meade leaves his mind behind and gives you yours. You will find some of your thoughts when reading it are not all that different. You have always suspected now you will know.


The list is amazing but all play an integral part.

Osama Bin Laden, is clearly explained in the description offered by Meade.

Michelle Obama, is revealed for what she is and why.

The Queen Mother is revered and well described as the stately lady that we love.

Downing Street Cameron is shown in a light that may breed contempt but must be respected.

Now there are various swine, cats of variety, and many folks with a bad small person complex.

Adolf Hitler plays no real role but the secrecy of his demise is finally revealed.

Secret Service Agents are exposed for the lazy public servants that they must be.

My favorite Character is none other than that of the author himself, he insinuates himself like a Clive Cussler or the mysterious Richard Castle. And yet he is part of the story like a Hemingway.

Here are the prime qualities of this work.

You cannot put it down.

I first read it in the hospital as my son was having an operation. I had them delay his post op until I had finished so as not to be interrupted.

As a good book reviewer I fact checked a lot. Everything from the 3 little pigs to area 51 and lunar landings and assassinations checks out.

Readers, this is a satyr equal in imagination and timing as the great Monty Python and Benny Hill. This is just plain old great fun.

This book will lighten your load and encourage you to day dream and laugh. There is something about it that put me a little more at ease about the world events of the day. It is not a “feel good” book, but for some reason I just feel good after reading it.

Eric Dierker

Read the complete reviews of this devastatingly irreverent novella and
sample the hilarious first chapters FREE on AMAZON.
United States.
United Kingdom (Amazon UK)
You can also buy it from many other online retailers. Priced at less than the cost of a packet of ten cigarettes.

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