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Date Posted: 19:37:14 03/25/03 Tue
Author: No name
Subject: The TRUTH about NES.....

I thought long and hard before I decided to post this, but I am getting sick and tired of the DISHONESTY that occurs in pageants so I thought I would let everyone know what happened to us and YOU can decide for yourself whether or not you want to support this pageant. Everything seemed to go okay up until the day of crowning. My daughter's optional score was added incorrectly, she was low balled BADLY by two judges and got high nineties from the other three judges,she was called up as a runner up in her age division for beauty. We wrote down everyone's scores in her division from the master score sheet after crowning. Upon returning home, we discovered that MY DAUGHTER SHOULD NOT have been called up as a runner up for the beauty title AT ALL, as a matter of fact, she finished DEAD LAST according to the scores(thanks to the two low balling judges). One of the girl's who didn't get called up at all should have been 2nd runner up in our division and the girl who was second runner up should have been 3rd runner up.... Talk about a mess!! Not only that, the 0-4 overall supermodel was a beauty winner and SHOULD NOT have been double crowned!! I thought I was doing the RIGHT thing by contacting the director and letting her know what happened in our age division as well as the double crowning. (How many people would ADMIT their child SHOULD NOT HAVE PLACED???)I also did some searching and contacted the mom of the contestant who should have placed and explained to her what happened. I was told in an e-mail by the director back in December that OA most beautiful would be added at the door. Supreme and age division Overalls would be BUMPED out. Well, that changed as time went on to NO BUMPING. Same thing with dropping high and low scores. When I got my entry form it stated dropping high and low scores, got changed to dropping only low scores. On the welcome form it said in one spot dropping high and low and in another dropping only low??? When I told her I thought she should do the right thing and admit she made a mistake and double crown two 0-4 overall supermodels here is the reply I received: "Beauty is not a queen title at NES and I never had any intentions of bumping a beauty winner from that title. I did not make a mistake YOU made the mistake by ASSUMING you understood!" Yet here is the EXACT post TAMMY made on March 2nd which was posted on the NES pageant question board and again on the 8th, but as soon as it was mentioned on the pageant scene board she deleted it from the archives!!! SUBJECT: TWO EXTRA TITLES:
After a lot of thought and some great ideas from everyone, here's what I have decided to do with the extra two titles.
We are adding 2 America's Sweetheart Supermodel titles
0-4 & 5&Up
There will be bumping, so if you win a Supreme, Div Overall or Beauty title you cannot win this title. I have done this because I would like to see more kids go home with crowns and banners and feel good about themselves
There will be no charge for this and everyone will be entered(unless someone has chosen to do Beauty, 1 model event and portfolio, photo, they would not have two modeling events to add together)
We will be taking you highest two modeling scores to determine it
The winners will receive a crown, banner and gift.
So now who is lying???? I will not now or EVER be called a LIAR. And before you say: You're daughter must be next in line for the 0-4 Overall supermodel award, think again, we were no where near that age division. SHE SHOULD DO THE RIGHT THING HERE. Sorry, but you just can't keep changing the rules, especially when you say one thing and people have already sent their entry forms in and then change the rules to make a select few happy. WRONG in MY book!!!

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