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Date Posted: 09:12:32 09/15/02 Sun
Author: Got smart mom
Subject: Not doing the pageant thing

WOW, my daughter did pageants for awhile when she was 5-7 and did really well and had tons of fun. But after reading this board I am so grateful that a talent agent pulled her out and told us to stop wasting our time with this crap, and get her modeling. She has already made enough money to pay for a good portion of her college education and she's only 11! She recently told me she wanted to start pageants again but after reading all this stuff on here, I think we will stick to modeling. All this back stabbing and name calling is unreal. Yeah we have this same crap in the modeling world but we get paid well to put up with it and its easy to ignore as professional jelousy. To PAY other people to put up with this crap is just ridiculous. Think about it folks, what are you really getting here? Fame? Fortune? Come on, your paying through the nose for photo's, dresses, pageant entry fee's and getting small return on your investment. No one outside of your backstabbers group even knows who you are. And consider the pedifiles out there in the audiences of your childs pageants, don't kid yourself into thinking there not there, they are. Sure they can look at my childs photo's in print, I can't stop that but they are hard pressed to find out who she is, in the pageant system the names are read right off and can be easily found in a program. Not hard for a freak to figure out where you live. Thanks for opening my eyes everyone and well, best of luck!

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