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Date Posted: 05:27:22 08/29/00 Tue
Author: UFO, bored scientist with much time to lose...
Subject: The blood lust IS actually possible...
In reply to: DarkDemon 's message, "Well . . . ." on 16:19:43 07/18/00 Tue

The virus could mutate people's ADN (it already exists...), in a way that would errase of heavily change the haemoglobin gene, so the infected person will no more be able to use his/her own one. So, the infected person will have to find haemoglobin somewhere else, in other person's blood for example. That is for the blood lust.
Then, why the infected person will look like a corpse? If the blood is not of the same type (I mean, for example, if the infected person is A, and the blood he/she drinks is B), there will be some problems. Blood will make some clot, and will coagulate inside the veins, causing some of them to explode. The infected person will soon look like a corpse.
OK, this should be dreadfull (is this a word?), and I don't know how the infected person can stay alive, or be resistant to bullets (maybe because his/her body is already exploded in the inside...), but my goal was to explain the blood lust , not to teach everyone how to create zombies...

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