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Date Posted: 08:36:22 11/01/02 Fri
Author: Gurry over and sign for a FREE, 1/2 off & other discounts
Subject: Guestbook Drawing TONIGHT for Christmas Angel Open State Pageant in Ky

*~*Christmas Angel Open State Pageant*~*

~*~We just added 2 more Supreme titles..Glamour and Sweetheart Supreme which means more $CASH$~*~

6 Supreme Titles (more will be offered for extra at the door) and 10 Age Division Titles.

Grand Supreme may receive $500 saving bond or $250 cash, beautiful Glitz 'n Glamour Banner, beautiful crown along with tons of great toys.

Mini Supremes 0-3yrs, 4-7yrs and 8yrs and up. One winner in each mini age group may receive $300 saving bond or $150 cash, beautiful Glitz n Glamour Banner, beautiful crown along with tons of great toys.

Glamour Supreme may receive $200 saving bond or $100 cash, beautiful Glitz n Glamour Banner, beautiful crown along with tons of great toys.

Sweetheart Supreme may receive $150 saving bond or $75 cash, beautiful Glitz n Glamour Banner, beautiful crown along with tons of great toys.

The more contestants the more Supreme titles and cash will be added.

Our 1st State Pageant. This will be a fun pageant that you don't want to miss. Come and help us make it a successful one.

Some of our great prizes will be Stereo, Bicycles, Ride On Toys, Barbies and more Barbies, Seasme Street, Blues Clue, Dora the Explorer, Disney, Makeup Sets, Buzz Lightyear, Leappad, V-Tech, Spiderman, Fisher Price, Winnie the Pooh and toys of other name brand

Guestbook Drawing starts November 1st. We will be giving away a FREE entry. Many discounts will be drawn for every Friday Night.

Trish Dickenson and Madelyn Noe will be available for Hair and MakeUp. Contact information is on our website.
We have a referral program, ticket sales and sibling discounts. Contact us for more information.

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