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Date Posted: 11:02:16 05/26/02 Sun
Author: Directors: Donna Nelson & Mandy Johnson
Subject: "Little Miss & Master Liberty USA"

You are invited to enter the
“Little Miss & Master Liberty USA”
Harding Mall
Nolensville Road
Nashville, Tennessee

Sunshine Productions is in search of Beautiful Children. This is NOT a glitzy pageant. There is absolutely no makeup allowed for contestants under the age of seven and no pageant attire for all contestants. Contestants should wear Sunday dress clothes. The children are judged on facial beauty and personality. You must enter the Beauty category in order to be eligible for the other categories.


•Beauty King and Queen in each age division will receive:
*Gorgeous Trophy
*Beautiful Jeweled Crown
*Monogrammed Title Banner

•1st, 2nd and 3rd Alternates will receive:

•Photogenic Winners in each age division will receive:

•Patriotic Wear Competition Winners: (props are welcomed)
*Patriotic Medal
*Patriotic Surprise

•Best Personality, Prettiest Eyes, Prettiest Smile, Prettiest Hair
*Sunshine Trophy (in each age group)

•Overall Most Beautiful will receive: (High Point Winner in each Overall Age Division)
*Large Trophy
*Beautiful Jeweled Crown

Girls Age Groups:
Birth - 12 Months
13 - 23 Months
2 - 3 Years
4 - 6 Years
7 - 9 Years
10 and Over

Boys Age Groups:
Birth - 12 Months
13 - 23 Months
2 - 3 Years
4 - 6 Years

Overall Most Beautiful Age Groups:
Girls - Ages 0 – 4 years, 5 – 9 years, 10 and over.
Boys - Ages 0 – 6 years

Patriotic Wear can include you favorite “Red, White & Blue” outfit, Policeman, Fireman, Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine or Red Cross attire. Props are allowed. Be creative and let’s have fun!

Refer a friend Program: For every paid entry form received with your name in the referred area, you will receive $5 off your entry fee. You may make copies of your entry form to share with others.

Sibling Program: The first child enters with regular entry fee of $35, the second child at $30, each additional child’s entry fee is $25. All children must be from the same immediate family.

DIRECTIONS TO HARDING MALL: Located on Nolensville Road at Harding Place, Harding Mall is easily accessible from I-24 and I-65.

From Nashville: If you are coming from the direction of downtown Nashville on I-24, take the Harding Place exit off to the right. Harding Mall will be 1 1/2 miles down on the right.

From Brentwood/Franklin: On I-65, take the Harding Place east exit and Harding Mall will be approximately 1 1/2 miles to the left.

We discourage entries at the door, however for an additional fee of $15 you may enter at the door.

You must enter the Beauty Category to be eligible to enter the Optional Categories.

Entry Fees
Beauty Entry Fee $ 35.00

Photogenic (Optional) $ 10.00

Patriotic Wear Competition (Optional) $ 10.00
(Props are allowed)

Overall Most Beautiful (Optional) $ 15.00

A winner will be selected in each age group for personality, Hair, Smile, Eyes - Enter all four for only $30.00;
Best Personality (Optional) $ 10.00
Prettiest Eyes (Optional) $ 10.00
Prettiest Smile (Optional) $ 10.00
Prettiest Hair (Optional) $ 10.00

Winners will receive their entry fee paid to the Tennessee State Pageant in January 2003.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact:
Donna Nelson or Mandy Johnson at (615)591-2386

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