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Date Posted: 17:57:30 07/16/02 Tue
Author: Donna Nelson
Subject: Need 30 Models for Back to School Fashion Show


I am looking for 30 models for a fashion show at Parisians/Cool Springs Mall on August 17, 2002. Start your modeling career NOW! Being a runway model for Parisians will look good on your child's resume.

Should you be chosen and this is your first time representing Sunshine Productions for a modeling job you will automatically be listed with our agency for future modeling jobs.

Sunshine Production's 2001 Queens and Kings and all alternates will be considered first. All the Queens, Kings and alternates from the July 20th pageant will also be included.

Also, parents must be willing to purchase the back to school and daycare wear they choose to model from Parisians at a 15% discount. You will also be eligible for a 15% discount the entire day at Parisians on August 17th.

Here is what we are looking for:

* Boy and Girls between the ages of 8 months and 15 years of age.
* All 2001 Winners and alternates of a Sunshine Productions Pageant will be considered on a first come first serve basis.
* Sunshine Productions has not had children over the age of 12 years old for girls and 7 years old for boys in our previous pageants, however we need models for Middle School and High School ages.
* The parents of children that are too young to go on stage by themselves will need to dress appropriately. Either Business or Business Casual.
* All children 4 years of age and older must be able to go on stage alone without a parent.
* The fashion show will be from 2:00p - 3:00p.

If interested, please contact Donna Nelson at (615) 591-2386 or e-mail to (evening) wwjd0616@comcast.com or (day) donna.nelson@iesg.com. If you have a resume, please fax it to: (615) 783-1099

This is a great opportunity and don’t miss out!

Please contact me as soon as possible as we are only accepting only 30 models at this event.

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