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Date Posted: 09:14:45 01/31/02 Thu
Author: Beginner Pageant Mom
Subject: Need Information!!

I have just moved to North Mississippi from the west coast. I have always wanted to place my daughter in a pageant but I did not know where to start...can someone please give me information about this. I don't know the difference between local and national level....please help me...What is a good pageant system to start out in for a new comer? What is required to compete in a pageant? Do I need to start her in finding a talent? Please help me. Thks.

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[> Re: Need Information!! -- susan farese, 20:18:15 02/03/02 Sun

>I have just moved to North Mississippi from the west
>coast. I have always wanted to place my daughter in a
>pageant but I did not know where to start...can
>someone please give me information about this. I
>don't know the difference between local and national
>level....please help me...What is a good pageant
>system to start out in for a new comer? What is
>required to compete in a pageant? Do I need to start
>her in finding a talent? Please help me. Thks.

I just recieved a form this week for one in Southaven, MS Feb. 24. We competed in the last on and it was extremely small and would be great for a begginer!
The phone #'s are Bettie 662-429-1190 and Lisa 662-393-0579. At the last one there were alot of "Sunday best" type of dress outfits. What part of MS are you from? I was at a pageant today and recieved others but they were more state and national level. You do not need talent. My advise would be to do a very small one first and watch some bigger ones if you can. Then if you would like to continue you could get a pageant dress and some photegenic pictures and go from there.

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[> Re: Need Information!! -- susan farese, 20:19:23 02/03/02 Sun

>I have just moved to North Mississippi from the west
>coast. I have always wanted to place my daughter in a
>pageant but I did not know where to start...can
>someone please give me information about this. I
>don't know the difference between local and national
>level....please help me...What is a good pageant
>system to start out in for a new comer? What is
>required to compete in a pageant? Do I need to start
>her in finding a talent? Please help me. Thks.

I just recieved a form this week for one in Southaven, MS Feb. 24. We competed in the last on and it was extremely small and would be great for a begginer!
The phone #'s are Bettie 662-429-1190 and Lisa 662-393-0579. At the last one there were alot of "Sunday best" type of dress outfits. What part of MS are you from? I was at a pageant today and recieved others but they were more state and national level. You do not need talent. My advise would be to do a very small one first and watch some bigger ones if you can. Then if you would like to continue you could get a pageant dress and some photegenic pictures and go from there.

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[> Re: Need Information!! -- tn mom, 11:29:01 02/06/02 Wed

GemStar Beauties is having a pageant Feb 10,2002 at Eastview, TN just over the Ms state line at Corinth, Ms this is a fair and honest system good judges and it is a good one for beginners. Try this system call the directoe at 731-989-5826 or email her at : gemstar_pageants@yahoo.com

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