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Subject: New Stable and character change. Wolverine read important.Danny read new stable and character change.

Mr. Showtime
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Date Posted: 18:58:02 02/18/02 Mon
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**TWO cameras fade in from black and you see Showtime talking with some of the guys that drove into the arena.They are discussing the future for them in this fed**

S:"Yeah well I could manage you guys"?

V.R.:"YEah but your a great wrestler why would you want to do that"?

S:"Because I have a Corporation to run".

G:"Yeah but Vince McMahon wrestled and owned a company".

S:"Yeah true but I am just tired at the moment and would like to enjoy myself more.Its always prepare for this match prepare for this match nah nah nah.I mean come on.I need a life besides wrestling".

G.R.:"YEah but who would take over your spot".

S:"Johnny would wrestle in my spot".

G.R.:"Yeah but could you get Danny to just transfer the contract to Johnny"?

S:"I will try.You know what I am tired of playing games lets introduce thr group now".

**Johnny and Showtime leave the lockerroom area with another two men wearing suits.They all walk towards the ringside area.Their music hits on the speakers**


**The men walk out to ringside smiling and taunting the now loudly booing crowd.They climb into the ring and taunt the crowd**

**Guido then walks toward a corner to taunt**

**Vito (Guido's brother then begins to annoy the crowd**

**Vinny then takes the mic and begins to address the crowd**

V.R.:"Shut up.We are here and we are going to take over this damn fed.I am not a wrestler but we challenge anyone here with the balls to try to stop us.Guido and Vinny don't really wrestle anymore either.But Johnny might be taking Showtimes place in this fed since he is considering retirement.Tell em Show".

S:"I have had a great career but now I feel that I should have more time to myself.So unfortunatley this is probaly it.Johnny will now wrestle and I will manage the overall group and help them get control of this fed.So all I have to say is prepare for the hell we will unleash on this fed.Because we have a surprise.Yes we have another member for this group.".

A.K.:"Oh my god what the hell is going on here"?

A.C.:"COuld this be the end"?

S:"ANd are other member is............".

(OOC please continue you know who you are)

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[> Subject: Re: New Stable and character change. Wolverine read important.Danny read new stable and character change.

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Date Posted: 00:41:00 02/19/02 Tue
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No chance in hell hits the speakers and the crowd erupts knowing that Wolverine is here and will take care of these aWo asses. He hits the ring running and everyone but Guido and Showtime clear out. He heads straight for Show and looks like hi is gointo nail him and nail him good. He swings with a left jab but instead of connecting the blow he wraps his arm around Shaowtime and they exchange smiles. He high fives Guido as the rest of the crew head back intop the ring. The crowd start to boo very loudly and obnoxiously thinking that they have been betrayed. Kim comes running down in her tights but instead of a TWO tank to she has on an aWo tank top she is holding a mic and gives it to Wolverine.

How typical I mean who said that we were against you people? I never did and I sure as hell did not here Show say that. Was it you G?

Guido just shakes his head no and Wolverine continues.

Well now you know who I was talking to the other day on the phone. This is my new manaager Guido and we are all collectivley known as the aWo I thought that since Lionfart the dumbass and his buddy Fucko were in cohurts with the president I needed some back up to watch my back. What I don't get is you fans reaction, I am deeply hurt but not that surprised typical of the English what they don't understand they boo. Sad isn't it? Well Come the pay per view when me and Hazzard win the tag titles the aWo will be unstopable!

Wolverine hands his mic over to Showtime and stands there with a sadistic grin on his face.

O.O.C. Fibnish up Show.

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[> [> Subject: Re: New Stable and character change. Wolverine read important.Danny read new stable and character change.

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Date Posted: 02:16:46 02/19/02 Tue
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**SHowtime brings the mic up to his lips with a smile on his face and begins to speak**

S:"Well now that you all know what we were planning I am still considering retirement.But welcome to the new era the era of the AWO.So be prepared"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**Their music hits and they all leave the ringside area together and head up the stage and through the curtain as the cameras fade to a commerical**

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