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Subject: Inferno Card.

Daniel Hall
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Date Posted: 00:42:36 02/19/02 Tue
Author Host/IP: inktomi3-not.server.ntl.com/

Cameras turn on backstage as Daniel Hall is shown speaking to Lionheart. He grabs the peice of paper of Lionheart as Daniel Hall walks off down the corridor. Then the cameras switch to ringside as Anthony Kunne and Amanda Coltman are at ringside as Anthony Kunne starts off...

Anthony Kunne: "Hello and welcome back, we have just seen Lionheart hand over the results to Daniel Hall as he makes his way to the ring."

Amanda Coltman: "Well he hasen't arived yet but I have got a good idea off what the matches are! I think they are about the number one contendership title shot at the first PPV called Holocaust. It will be held in March I think but that is not comfirmed. Any way it should be for the world title as all the other number one contendership titles have been decided."

Anthony Kunne: "That is a good point so I wounder when he is going to come out because he is taking ages!"

Suddenly Daniel Hall's music hits the speakers as the crowd jump to there feet as the owner of TWO steps on stage. He starts to walk down towards the ring. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp he walks over to the steel steps and climbs them. He then walks across the apron and climbs into the ring. He then walks over to Laurence Thibault and asks for a microphone. She then passes him one as he walks back to the center of the ring and begins to speak...

Daniel Hall "I am out here to announce a tourement that will take place at Inferno this Sunday so all please listen."

"Bio-Hazard Vs Rocko. Winner goes to the semi final.

SJB Vs Massacre. Winner goes to the semi final.

Bear Vs Mr Showtime. Winner goes to the semi final.

Destroyer Vs Game. Winner goes to the semi final.

Then the winner from Bio-Hazard and Rocko match will face the winner of SJB and Massacre match.

Then the winner of Mr Showtime and Bear match will face the winner of Destroyer and Game match.

Then the winner out of the two semi finals will play in a 7th match at Inferno to become the number one contender for the world title."

Daniel Hall: "Well that is the Inferno card so for me it is good night. Oh and one more thing there will be another division next week fighting it out for a number one contendership title shot to face the winner of Diviasion A at the PPV."

Daniel's music then hits the speakers as he climbs out the ring and heads back up the ramp as the crowd cheer as he heads behind the curtain to the backstage area as Amanda Coltman and Anthony Kunne are left to speak...

Anthony Kunne: "Well it looks like you where right about the world title number one contenders title shot. Give you credit for that!!"

Amanda Coltman: "Thank you Anthony but now we have to cut to a commercial break so stay tunned."

TWO cuts to a commercial break.

OOC: From now on the results will be posted on the rp board so there is no confusion and I will contact you if you have a match and I will contact you any way to tell you that you don't have a match or something like that.

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